Sunday service got moved up to Tuesday, and the lord’s blessings were replaced by the messages of the devil, as Florida death metal pioneers DEICIDE invaded The Nile Theater this past week. Brazilian trio KRISIUN, Tech Death outfit INFERI, and Atlanta blackened death metal quartet CLOAK joined DEICIDE in their journey across North America on their “Banished By Sin Tour.”
A collection of bones and candles drenched in red lights and shadows summoned CLOAK to the stage with their fast strumming and clean-but-vicious vocals. Satanic worship transitioned to fantasies of battle and magic as INFERI performed a more lighthearted but still guttural and heavy set at break-neck speeds. The 34-year old death metal group KRISIUN played much nastier, evil, and aggressive death metal, with the lighting matching the color palette of the gates of Hell.
The crowd hungered for the soundtrack to absolute chaos as DEICIDE entered the stage and took the room back to 1995 with WHEN SATAN RULES HIS WORLD. Lead vocalist GLEN BENTON constantly switched between low, growling vocals to screeching, tortuous highs like a demon with bi-polar disorder. In the middle of songs there was a moment where the crowd shouted random obscenities with an abrupt “GLEN BENTON for president!” belted out in the midst. BENTON replied that he would outlaw nipple tape if he were to be elected president.
I can imagine the poster board with BENTON’s slogan now: posted on the corner of every Florida neighborhood, the T on his name being replaced with the upside down cross on his forehead.
If BENTON were to ever play a song for his campaign intro, he should personally play “From Unknown Heights You Shall Fall.”
The band closed out the show with an “Homage For Satan,” with guitar shredding and relentless drums enough to incite madness.